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Friday, April 9, 2010

Interview with my daughter...

In the spirit of “chillin’” and “takin’ it easy” I had a heart to heart with my nearly seven-year-old daughter. I wanted her take on my upcoming venture. She was in rare form and very open with her thoughts and strong opinions. This year will not only have an impact on me, but in one way or another the rest of my family.

What do you think a vegetarian is?
                    Somebody that mostly eats plants. Sometimes they may eat dairy – milk and creamer.

Do you think being a vegetarian sounds like a good idea?
                    No. It just sounds boring. I think it’s horrible. It’s horrible because you don’t get to do fun stuff. Like eat yummy food like meat. Vegetarians can’t eat everything they’re given. If someone gives you something you can’t eat, you have to say no. That’s rude. Why are you doing a blog anyway? Is it a vegetarian blog? Then it must be boring. I don’t think I’d want to read a boring vegetarian blog.

Do you think vegetarian eating is healthy?
                    A little. Well, I think it’s very healthy but not very yummy.

Do you think you would like any vegetarian food?
                    Well, yeah, tons of things I like that aren’t meat – but I like meat.

Do you think daddy will change?
                    No. Dr. Dolittle didn’t.

Do you think anything around the house will change?
                    A little. Different food around the house. You’ll be buying a lot more vegetables. Maybe I’ll try a few. I’ll just give it a taste, and if I like it, I’ll eat it.

What is meat, anyway?
                    Um, Chicken. Hmm. Beef, Lamb. Hamburger Meat. Pig is my favorite farm animal. To look at and to eat. I don’t like that people have to kill them, but they taste yummy.

Why do you think daddy wants to be a vegetarian?
                    Because you don’t like eating meat.

What do you think about daddy keep a blog?
                    Blogs are for people that have a store or something. Like toys.

You don’t have to have a store to have a blog.
Ok, I just think your blog is different and weird that you have it.

And her final comments:
                    I don’t like vegetarian food. And I don’t like interviews. I don’t think you’ll be able to do it because you can’t keep your hands off yummy food. 

Touching, I know. 


  1. It's encouraging as a blogger to get comments, so here I am, encouraging you! 1. it's not hard to be vegetarian. Restaurants really are co-operative these days - they will cook for you if their menus aren't to your liking! They respect the new eaters, vegan, vegetarian, local foodies, etc. 2. veggie burgers are the best quick foods to have on hand - especially the portabella ones. but pastas, rice, grains, veggie stir-frys - not hard to do. 3. yes, you will get into other "communities" - walkers, runners, farmers, co-op people - it's great! Our area is fantastic for this. 4. No animal blood spilled for your meal - how wonderful is that thought.

  2. so right on all points - and yes it is encouraging to get comments! I was once a voiceless visitor perusing the web here and there...never did it occur to me to drop a note in anyone's 'Post a Comment' - but now I try to do it whenever I happen to visit someone's spot - and now I have a couple of followers I don't even know! How exciting is THAT!

  3. Everything in life is easier with support...hmmm...good luck!
